Odoo JavaScript Programming Tutorial (Part Three) – Use of Jquery

This article is the third part of my odoo javascript programming tutorial series. If you haven’t read the first or the second part, I suggest you to read those articles first. You should find the link of those articles at the bottom of this page.

In the second part, we have discussed how to add the click event to a widget, as well as how to change the value of the field. In this part, we will discuss how to write jquery events, get value from other fields/widgets, and how to change the value of other fields/widgets that are still on the same page.

First, let’s add a new button to the widget that we have created in the second part.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <t t-name="WidgetOneTemplate">
            <t t-if="widget.mode == 'edit' ">
                <div class="input-group">
                    <div class="input-group-prepend">
                        <button class="btn btn-danger btn-minus"> - </button>
                    <input type="text" class="form-control" t-att-value="formated_value" disabled="disabled" />
                    <div class="input-group-append">
                        <button class="btn btn-success btn-plus"> + </button>
                        <!-- additional button in tutorial part three -->
                        <button class="btn btn-primary btn-copy"><i class="fa fa-copy"></i></button>
            <t t-if="widget.mode == 'readonly' ">
                <span t-esc="formated_value" />


It will look like this.

Add a new button to odoo widget

We can write jquery code in any method, even outside the widget, but if we want to access the elements of our widget, make sure the template is already rendered, for example, we can write the jquery code at the bottom of the _render method.

When write a jquery event, for example the click event on a button with the btn-copy class like in the code above, I don’t recommend using the $(‘.btn-copy’).click() code like in the code below.

_render: function () {
    // re-render the view if the field value is changed
    // format the value to include the thousand separator
    var formated_value = field_utils.format[this.formatType](this.value);
    this.$el.html($(qweb.render(this.template, {'widget': this, 'formated_value': formated_value})));
        alert('click copy button');

Why ? Because based on my experience, we can not add events with the code above to all elements. This does not mean that the code $(element).click() cannot be used, because the code below will be executed smoothly.

_render: function () {
    // re-render the view if the field value is changed
    // format the value to include the thousand separator
    var formated_value = field_utils.format[this.formatType](this.value);
    this.$el.html($(qweb.render(this.template, {'widget': this, 'formated_value': formated_value})));
        alert('click save button');

With the code above, when you click on the Save button, the click save button message will be displayed.

The best way to add a jquery event to a widget is to use the this.$el.find(element).click(), as shown in the code below.

_render: function () {
    // re-render the view if the field value is changed
    // format the value to include the thousand separator
    var formated_value = field_utils.format[this.formatType](this.value);
    this.$el.html($(qweb.render(this.template, {'widget': this, 'formated_value': formated_value})));
        alert('click on copy button');

With the this.$el.find(element) code, odoo will ensure that the click event above will only be executed in one view/field only. I recommend you to always use the this.$el.find(element) code if you want to write events with jquery, or to get the values of the elements in the widget. As a precaution, if the widget that we make is used more than one field in one form, or there are other widgets that use the same class. Of course, it’s not funny if the event that we write executes the action from another widget.

Then what if we want to access values from other fields ?

As an example, let’s add 2 more integer fields in the form that we have created so that the form view will be like the image below.

Add new odoo field

Then in the jquery click event that we have created, add the console.log command as shown in the code below.

_render: function () {
    // re-render the view if the field value is changed
    // format the value to include the thousand separator
    var self = this;
    var formated_value = field_utils.format[this.formatType](this.value);
    this.$el.html($(qweb.render(this.template, {'widget': this, 'formated_value': formated_value})));

IMPORTANT !!! When we write the jquery event followed by an anonymous function, please store the value of the widget in a temporary variable, in the example code above I save the current widget value into a variable with the name of self, because in an anonymous function, the this variable no longer points to the widget that we created, but points to the element that we add an event, it is the button with btn-copy class.

Restart the odoo service, then refresh your browser. In edit mode, click the copy button then pay attention to the console tab in the developer tools.

odoo widget object at console tab

To get the value of a field on a form, we can see it in the recordData or record property as shown above. In the picture above the values of Field Two and Field Three are still 0, now let’s change the values of the two fields above then click the copy button again.

odoo widget object at console tab

In the user interface the values of Field Two and Field Three have changed, but in the console tab the values are still 0. OK. Now let’s click the + or button then click the copy button again.

odoo widget object at console tab

Now the values of Field Two and Field Three in the console are the same as the field values in the user interface.

Next, let’s test it by moving the console.log code above in another method, for example when the user clicks the + button as shown in the code below.

btn_plus_action: function(){
    var new_value = this.value + this.step;

The values of all fields should match the values displayed in the user interface. Next try removing or commenting the this._setValue(new_value.toString()); code above. Are the values of all fields in the console the same as the values in the user interface ? 🙂 It’s a bit tricky to get the value of a field by accessing the this/self object. However, depending on the field type, sometimes we can still use jquery. Please inspect the input element of Field Two then pay attention to the attribute of that element.

inspect odoo widget element

From the picture above, the input element of an integer field has a name attribute with the same value as the field name. So that we can access the value of that field with a jquery code like this.

_render: function () {
    // re-render the view if the field value is changed
    // format the value to include the thousand separator
    var self = this;
    var formated_value = field_utils.format[this.formatType](this.value);
    this.$el.html($(qweb.render(this.template, {'widget': this, 'formated_value': formated_value})));
        var field_two_val = $('[name=field_two]').val();

Then what if we want to change other value fields with javascript ?

To change other field values, we cannot change the recordData object directly, like in the self.recordData.field_three = 3000; code, but we must call the self.trigger_up(‘field_changed’, values) method like in the code below.

_render: function () {
    // re-render the view if the field value is changed
    // format the value to include the thousand separator
    var self = this;
    var formated_value = field_utils.format[this.formatType](this.value);
    this.$el.html($(qweb.render(this.template, {'widget': this, 'formated_value': formated_value})));
    	// we can also use this code
        // self.$el.find('input').val();
        // if we want access the field one value with jquery
        // by accessing the widget element
        var field_one_val = self.value;
        var field_two_val = $('[name=field_two]').val();
        var field_three_val = field_one_val + parseInt(field_two_val);
        self.trigger_up('field_changed', {
            dataPointID: self.dataPointID,
            viewType: self.viewType,
            changes: {'field_three': field_three_val},

Ignore the dataPointID variable, just write it straight like that, this variable usually contains the model name and an integer, I don’t know where this integer was obtained and what it is used for. While the viewType variable is the view type where our widget is used, usually a form or a tree.

What you have to pay attention to is the changes variable which must be an object with a key is the name of the other field that you want to change its value, while the value depends on the type of the field. Since in this tutorial the field_three type is an integer, the value must be a number.

This is the end of the third part of my odoo javascript programming tutorial series. If there is no hindrance, I would advise you to write events like what we did in the second part of the series. Meanwhile, to change the value of other fields, I would recommend you to use the @api.onchange decorator with python.

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