Month: February 2021

How to Install Odoo on Windows

Odoo is a web-based open source ERP software. In one odoo application, there are many modules/addons that you can install as needed. For example, if you need an application for sales transactions, you can install the Sales module, if you need a production application, you can install the Manufacture module, and so on. Odoo can ….  Read More

Multi Company in Odoo 13

When I wrote this article, odoo 13 was released more than 1 year ago. There is even a newer version, odoo 14. Compared to odoo 12, there are many changes in their source code, such as the removal of the account.invoice model, the removal of the @api.multi decorator, the removal of the view_type field from ….  Read More

How to Show Odoo’s Chatter in a Modal

In my previous article, I wrote that if we use the oe_chatter class chatter will not appear if opened from a modal. After I looked in more detail, it turned out that why odoo doing it was on purpose. In odoo 12 if the chatter is opened from a modal, the chatter will be hidden ….  Read More

How to Know the Difference Between Two Files or Directories Easily

Meld is an application that is used to compare the contents of a directory or file. In my experience, for a programmer, this application is very useful. For example, when we are working with several teams, with meld we can compare the directory or file that we are working on with the directory or file ….  Read More

How to Record the Data Changes in Odoo

In the odoo Sales menu, if you open the Quotation or Order menu, at the very bottom of the form there will be a block. If you make changes to the sales order form, for example changing the customer name, changing the price, etc, the changes will be recorded in that block. As shown below. ….  Read More