Tag: Javascript

Odoo JavaScript Programming Tutorial (Part Three) – Use of Jquery

This article is the third part of my odoo javascript programming tutorial series. If you haven’t read the first or the second part, I suggest you to read those articles first. You should find the link of those articles at the bottom of this page. In the second part, we have discussed how to add ….  Read More

How to Prevent Auto Save When User Click on Any Odoo Button

In odoo, if we are editing a document, then click on a button, even though it’s not the Save button, odoo will immediately save the document, then the method of the button that we click will be executed by odoo. The document will change to read-only mode, which means that we can no longer edit ….  Read More

Odoo JavaScript Programming Tutorial (Part Two) – Widget Logic

In the first part of the odoo javascript programming tutorial series, I have discussed how to create a simple widget, a widget that only displays a short message to the user. In this second part, I will discuss how to add logic to the widget that we have created in the first part. To follow ….  Read More

Odoo JavaScript Programming Tutorial (Part One) – Create Widget View

As a web-based application, for programmers who have worked on web applications before, odoo sometimes feels a bit strange. Because we rarely do programming with the javascript language. Almost all logic is written on the backend with python, except when customizing the point of sale or e-commerce module. For you, who are starting to learn ….  Read More

How to Show Odoo’s Chatter in a Modal

In my previous article, I wrote that if we use the oe_chatter class chatter will not appear if opened from a modal. After I looked in more detail, it turned out that why odoo doing it was on purpose. In odoo 12 if the chatter is opened from a modal, the chatter will be hidden ….  Read More

How to Override an Odoo Widget

Odoo has many widgets that ready to use, such as many2many_tags, image, html, handle etc. How to use those widgets are relatively easy. But of all the widgets that Odoo has, I think the many2many_tags widget is kinda weird. Why ? Because it can’t be clicked. I mean if I click on that widget, I ….  Read More

Understanding Large Framework Source Code Better With GREP

grep is a tool to find text in files. For example, if we have 1000 files, if we want to know what files that contain the word of “indonesia”, using grep we can find it easily. grep is a tool that runs via the command line or terminal. Usually grep is among the default application ….  Read More