As a web-based application, for programmers who have worked on web applications before, odoo sometimes feels a bit strange. Because we rarely do programming with the javascript language. Almost all logic is written on the backend with python, except when customizing the point of sale or e-commerce module.
For you, who are starting to learn to customize the odoo module, programming in the javascript language should be the last part that you learn. It’s better to focus on learning the python programming language and how to write a model in odoo. Unless your first task is to customize the point of sale or e-commerce module.
There are 3 areas where javascript is used in odoo, it’s the backend, the point of sale, and the frontend (website or e-commerce). I will write this tutorial in several parts to cover the use of javascript in the 3 areas above.
NOTE !!! This tutorial is written for odoo 14. It is possible that it may not work properly on other versions of odoo.
Not many skills are needed to do javascript programming in odoo, just basic knowledge of javascript and jquery. Generally the odoo backend javascript code is written in the web module, more precisely in the web/static/src/js/ directory. Please see the contents of this directory at odoo github page.
In the first part of this odoo javascript programming tutorials series, I will share how to create a widget. A widget is a part of odoo which is used to render the value of a field. For example, the Many2many field by default will be displayed in the form of a table, but if we use the many2many_tags widget the value of the field will be displayed in the form of a chip or badge.
Another example of a widget is the image widget, which is usually used to display images on the master product.
To create a widget we must load the javascript file first. Create a js file, with any name for example widget_one.js. Put this file in the your_module_name/static/src/js/ directory. Before writing the widget code, we should test whether the widget_one.js file was successfully loaded by odoo or not by writing the console.log code as below.
console.log('hello world !');
Next, to load the javascript file we have to create an xml file, usually the file name is assets.xml which is placed in the view directory, but we can also use another name. In this xml file, create a template that inherit to the web.assets_backend template, then write the code to load the widget_one.js file that we created earlier like in the code below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <odoo> <data> <template id="tutorial_javascript_assets_backend" inherit_id="web.assets_backend" name="assets backend"> <xpath expr="script[last()]" position="after"> <script type="text/javascript" src="/tutorial_javascript/static/src/js/widget_one.js"/> </xpath> </template> </data> </odoo>
When you create a template to load a javascript file, like in the code above, pay attention to the inherit_id=”web.assets_backend” section. If we inherit to the web.assets_backend template, odoo will put our javascript file in the backend/ERP. Therefore, the code that we write will not run on point of sale or e-commerce.
The code used to load the javascript file is the same as the html code in general, it’s the script tag. You need to pay attention to the src attribute. In this attribute, we must write the path where the file is stored completely, including the module name. In this tutorial, my module name is tutorial_javascript.
Then load the xml file in the file, restart the odoo service, then install the module. When we refresh the browser, if the javascript file that we created is successfully loaded by odoo, the message should appear on the console, as shown below.

Next, in the widget_one.js file, call the odoo.define function with the first argument being a string. This string will be used as a marker so the widget that we write can be inherited or overridden by other modules. This string must be unique, therefore usually the writing format is the name of the module followed by any text.
The second argument is a function where our’s widget code should be written.
odoo.define('tutorial_javascript.widget_one', function (require) { "use strict"; console.log('Place your widget code here'); });
All widgets must extend to AbstractField object or its child. It also must be added to the field_registry object. So let’s import those two objects first.
odoo.define('tutorial_javascript.widget_one', function (require) { "use strict"; var AbstractField = require('web.AbstractField'); var FieldRegistry = require('web.field_registry'); });
When creating a widget, always enter to debug mode and activate the developer tools, to find out if there are errors. This is an image example that shows the odoo error message when we create a widget.

The above error message occurs because the web.AbstractFields object was not found due to a typo, the correct object should be web.AbstractField without the ‘s’ at the end of the object name.
In this tutorial we will create a simple widget, for example, to display a short message. The view of a widget can be generated via a template in xml format, or via javascript code by overriding the _render, _renderEdit, or _renderReadonly methods. This time we will make a widget view with a template, while the view with the javascript code will be discussed at another time if I have the opportunity.
To create a template, first, create an xml file then write code like the code below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <template> <t t-name="WidgetOneTemplate"> <div> <t t-if="widget.mode == 'edit' "> <p>This is the widget view in edit mode (the user is editing the document)</p> </t> <t t-if="widget.mode == 'readonly' "> <p>This is the widget view in readonly mode (the user only sees the document)</p> </t> </div> </t> </template>
A widget has 2 modes, it is the edit mode where the user is pressing the Create or the Edit button, so he can change the contents of the document. And the readonly mode where the user can only see the document. So we have to prepare 2 different views for these two modes.
Next, save the xml file above in the your_module_name/static/src/xml directory. And don’t forget to load it in the file.
The directory structure of the module that we created and the contents of the file will look like below.

Then we just need to write the actual widget code. Please read the code below and pay attention to the comments section.
odoo.define('tutorial_javascript.widget_one', function (require) { "use strict"; // import the required object to create a widget var AbstractField = require('web.AbstractField'); var FieldRegistry = require('web.field_registry'); // create an object with any name // don't forget to extend to the web.AbstractField object or its child var WidgetOne = AbstractField.extend({ template: 'WidgetOneTemplate', // fill with the template name that will be rendered by odoo mengatur tampilan/view widget }); // register the widget to web.field_registry object // so we can use our widget in odoo's view/xml file // with the code like below // <field name="field_one" widget="widget_one" /> // the 'widget_one' name is up to you, as long as it's always connected/without spaces FieldRegistry.add('widget_one', WidgetOne); // return the widget object // so it can be inherited or overridden by another module return WidgetOne; });
Then we can directly use the widget that we have created in the odoo xml/view file using the code as below.
<record id="tutorial_javascript_form" model="ir.ui.view"> <field name="name">tutorial.javascript.form</field> <field name="model">tutorial.javascript</field> <field name="arch" type="xml"> <form> <sheet> <group> <field name="field_one" widget="widget_one" /> </group> </sheet> </form> </field> </record>
If your code doesn’t have an error it will look like this.

In edit mode the widget template will always appear. But in readonly mode, if the value of the field that use the widget that we create is null or False, the view will be blank. So make sure to fill the field value so the readonly example view mode in this tutorial can be seen. You can change it via the database or give the field a default value like in the code below.
field_one = fields.Integer('Field One', default=1)
You need to remember that when you edit any files in the static directory, in this case including the js, css, and xml files, you don’t need to upgrade the module that you created. Just restart your odoo service and refresh the browser.
This is the first part of the javascript programming tutorial in odoo. Hopefully, this is useful for you.
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7 Replies to “Odoo JavaScript Programming Tutorial (Part One) – Create Widget View”
Thank you for your tutorial, it’s really well explained.
Keep going 🙂
Hello Mas Ngasturi,
keep going with this js tutorial, please help with tutorial to override Odoo 14 javascripts for example if we want to change the notification text when permission is not granted for notification.
Thank you,
This article is super helpful! Thanks a ton to the creator of it! Expecting more odoo javascript content from you ahead!
Is this some pre-built model that you put some js into it? because I did the same thing and I didn’t get errors either I didn’t get what you got
yes. please download the source code for reference.
The above code is not working in odoo 15
yes. please use with odoo 14 or below