Tag: PHP

How to Solve Ripcord Could Not Access Odoo Error

In my previous article, I have written about how to call the odoo API using the ripcord library in the PHP programming language. But, it turns out that this library has some bugs, especially if the API calling process is too long. In my case, I have to send a large amount of data to ….  Read More

How to Call Odoo API with PHP

Odoo has provided an API that can be accessed from outside of the odoo application for all model by default. So if we want to link our odoo application with other application we don’t need to create our own API. Just call the API that has been provided by odoo. In this tutorial, I will ….  Read More

How to Add a New Artisan Command in Laravel

When working with the Laravel framework, of course we are familiar with the php artisan command. Without this command working with Laravel would not be as easy as now. If you don’t know, we can add our own custom commands to artisan command. If you like to work automatically and like to work with the ….  Read More