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Action Server or more precisely ir.actions.server is an action in odoo which allows us to call python code from the user interface. Actually Action Server has many options, but I think the most useful option in real life is the Execute Python Code. This option has functionality similar to a button with an object type …. Read More
Scheduled Actions or commonly known as Cron Job is an action that will run automatically at a certain time, it could be every few minutes, every few hours, or every few days. Usually Scheduled Actions are used for work that is executed routinely but does not require user action, for example for creating a report …. Read More
Odoo already has an ORM (object relational mapping) which is quite easy to use. By using an ORM we can manipulate data in the database easily. Unfortunately ORM in all frameworks, including odoo, has a weakness, which is slow. Using ORM to manipulate large data in one process, for example when creating a report, sometimes …. Read More
Email is a cheap option if we want to send notification to customer, compared to sms or whatsapp. With email we can also make a more attractive design and a longer message. So we can have more freedom in making message. Before sending an email to customer, we must set up the Outgoing Email Server. …. Read More
Odoo has a fairly easy to use database backup and restore functionality. Previously I had no problem with the database backup and restore job. Before this come. A project with a very large database with size more than 3 GB, and still growing. Last time I check the database size is over 6 GB. I …. Read More
This article is the second part of the Read Odoo Source Code thread series. This time I will discuss how to find a source code snippet that responsible to create a journal entry when a Delivery Order is validated. To follow this article, make sure you have a product with the Inventory Valuation value is …. Read More
As we know, once a year odoo always changes their versions. Every time they change the version there is always feature that changing, either added or removed, in good or bad way. Therefore, as an odoo programmer, I try not to memorize odoo code, even code that is often used, such as creating an Action …. Read More